The Duties of Elected Officials
For a quick local perspective on the separation of powers... here is an overview of some state / local offices and their job duties and responsiblities:
Governor of New York
Is commander-in-chief of the state's military and naval forces.
Is able to call a special session of the State Senate or State Assembly.
Ensures that the laws of New York State be faithfully executed.
Approves or vetoes bills which have passed the State Senate and State Assembly.
Attorney General of New York
is the head of the state Department of Law.
is the chief legal counsel to the state government.
serves as the guardian of the legal rights of the citizens of New York.
Comptroller of New York
Administers the NYS and Local Retirement System.
Acts as sole trustee of the $160.7 billion Common Retirement Fund.
Maintains the State's accounting system and $15 billion payroll.
Manages and reports on the State's finances and assets.
Is responsible for ensuring that the taxpayers' money is being used to promote the common good.
Justice of the Supreme Court of New York
Hears civil matters seeking monetary damages over $25,000.
Hears cases in which an enjoinder or stop action order is sought.
Hears cases related to termination of marriages, including instances of separation, annulment, and divorce.
State Senator of New York
Represents the interests of the people who live in his or her elective district.
Introduces and votes upon bills based upon the interests of his or her constituents in the State Senate.
Serves on various committees to improve conditions for specific causes statewide.
Member of the Assembly of New York
Represents the interests of the people who live in his or her elective district.
Introduces and votes upon bills based upon the interests of his or her constituents in the State Assembly.
Serves on various committees to improve conditions for specific causes statewide.
County Executive
Is the administrative head of the county government.
Has supervision, direction, and control over governmental functions of all administrative units of the county.
Works with the County Legislature to govern the affairs of the county.
County Family Court Judge
Hears most cases involving youths between 8 and 16 years old who are charged with offenses that would be crimes if committed by adults.
Hears cases involving child custody, adoption, determination of support payments, and the paternity of children.
Deals with all types of family disputes except the termination of marriage which, as mentioned above, is handled exclusively by the Supreme Court.
County Surrogate Judge
Hears cases involving the affairs of the deceased, including the probate of wills and estates.
Hears cases relating to the guardianship of the person and/or property of minors, mentally retarded, and developmentally disabled persons.
Is, in conjunction with the State Supreme Court, involved with the jurisdiction of conservator-ships.
Is, in conjunction with Family Court, involved with the jurisdiction of adoption proceedings.
County Sheriff
is the top law enforcement agent for the county.
is responsible for managing the Broome County Correctional Facility.
handles summonses, income and property executions, evictions, and subpoenas.
County Legislator
Is a member of a legislative body representing a specific district of the county in government.
Has legal/legislative power and control over finances of the county government.
Works with the County Executive on legislation to govern the affairs of the county.
City Mayor / Town Supervisor
Is the administrative head of the municipal government.
Has supervision, direction, and control over administrative units of the municipality.
Works with the City/Town Council to govern the affairs of the municipality.
City Councilman / Town Councilman
Is member of the legislative body overseeing municipal government.
Has legal/legislative power and control over municipal law and finances.
Works with the City Mayor/Town Supervisor on legislation to govern the affairs of the municipality.