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In accordance with a New York State Executive Order in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Broome County Board of Elections has mailed Absentee Ballot Applications to all voters ELIGIBLE for the June 23rd Primary Election.

Anyone wishing to Vote-by-Mail with an Absentee Ballot to avoid COVID-19 concerns just select Absentee reason option "Temporary Illness."

Applications can be returned immediately, but must be MAILED by June 16th.

The Broome County Board of Elections will conduct a combined Primary, with Federal, State, County, and Local races in one Election.

  • Democratic Voters: Presidential Primary

  • Republican Voters: Primaries for Congressional seats, State Assembly seats, Family Court Judge, and various County/Local offices.

  • Conservative Voters: Family Court Judge Primary

  • Independence Voters: Family Court Judge Primary

EARLY VOTING: Saturday, June 13th - Sunday, June 21st - stay tuned for more information on times and locations.

ELECTION DAY: Tuesday, June 23rd from 6am-9pm - Broome County will be consolidating poll sites - stay tuned for more information on locations.

Updated: May 18, 2020

The Broome County Board of Elections officially certified the races and ballot positions for the June 23rd, 2020 Primary Election after the State Board of Elections certified State and Federal offices and ballot positions yesterday (April 29th).

During certification of the June Primary, the Democratic Presidential Primary was deemed uncontested and removed from the ballot. The contested Congressional/State seats were then set. (UPDATE 5/9/2020 - Presidential Primary reinstated)

To view the State Certifications, click type: [Presidential] [Congressional/State]

The local/county races and the candidates' ballot positions were drawn earlier in April, to view click drawing. The complete list of June Primaries and their ballot order are at the bottom of the page.

The Governor of New York issued an Executive Order in continued response to the COVID-19 Pandemic that directs Board of Elections to mail Absentee Ballot Applications to all eligible voters of the June 23rd Primary. For more details, view Executive Order 202.23. © 2014-2024

Official Website of the Broome County Board of Elections.

PO Box 1766, Binghamton, NY 13902

Phone: 607-778-2172   Fax: 607-778-2174

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